QWhat is the NBA? AThe National Basketball Association (NBA), is a professional basketball league comprised of 30 teams across North America featuring the best basketball players in the world. QHow many teams are there in the NBA? ANBA consists of 30 teams, 15 teams each in the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. The Western Conference is organized in three divisions(Northwest, Pacific and Southwest) of 5 teams each. QWhen was the NBA established? AThe Basketball Association of America was founded on June 6, 1946 in New York. Maurice Podoloff was the leagues first president, whose name is now emblazoned on the NBA MVP trophy.The league originally had only 11 teams when established. QWhat is the NBA Replay Center? ABeginning with the 2014-15 NBA regular season, the NBA launched its new state-of-the-art NBA Replay Center, based in Secaucus, N.J. The NBA Replay Center is fueled by a groundbreaking high-speed arena network to enhance the performance of NBA referees and to accelerate the replay review process. QHow can I watch NBA games? ANBA games are available on television in more than 200 countries around the world, including hundreds of national broadcasts in the USA every year on ABC, ESPN, TNT and NBA TV.
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