深圳现大面积赤潮 官方称海水无毒并非污染所致
Red sea tides are seen washing the shores in Southern China's Shenzhen City in Guangdong.
Authorities there say the red waves are not toxic, but warns residents and visits not to swim in the water for the time being.
Tencent News
东莞最著名夜总会关门 同业者称一代传奇消逝
The most celebrated night club in Dongguan is now on offer to be sold after being closed down during a city-wide raid on sex trade earlier this year.
The nightclub used to run a yoga gym and a beauty salon for their prime girls and boast some of the best-looking service girls in the country.
Southern China Metropolis
A 36-year-old internet writer has been elected as the vice-president of the Writers Association in Fushun City, Liaoning Province.
The internet writer, who was a farmer before taking on writing online novels, has sparked some online debate earlier for writing articles that were fiercely defensive of the party.
The Paper
A truck driver died and his wife still in critical condition after both gulped down pesticide in protest at a traffic police ruling which sought to unload their truckload of goods for overfreight.
The couple had agreed to pay a fine but insisted the police let them go as the failure to deliver the goods on time would cost them over 100,000 yuan.
Xinhua Henan
A 48-year-old woman has been sentenced to 6 months in prison at a court in Cixi, Zhejiang Province for trumping up a false accusation that a 25-year-old man raped him.
Prosecutors found that the woman actually had consensual sex with the man, but lodged the charge against him after the young man failed to pay the 100 yuan agreed.
Qianjiang Evening News
A mother in Zhengzhou, central China's Henan province, has been told to return her one-child policy bonus after applying for a permit to have a second child.
However, the order runs counter to that of the national regulation, which says parents applying to have a second-child will no longer enjoy one-child bonuses, but they don't have to refund money already received.
People's Dail
Three people were killed instantly and another died in hospital an explosion rocked a restaurant in downtown Xiamen.
Locals said the restaurant, which was on the ground floor of a residential building, was a popular eatery, but did lack safety equipment such as fire extinguisher.
Xiamen Daily
北京8家医院年内推出微信挂号服务 可挂专家号
Eight hospitals in Beijing will start offering appointment reservations on WeChat by the end of this year.
However, one hospital that has run the service for several months says the App is not widely used as most patients making appointments are senior citizens who are not particularly tech-savvy.
China National Radio
Five miners trapped by a roof-fall of a coal mine in Dazhou City, Sichuan have all died.
A safety inspection team has arrived at the accident-hit mine to ensure no similar tragedy happens.
China News Service
Hong Kong
香港被评为亚洲最佳留学城市 巴黎蝉联全球冠军
The city of Hong Kong has been ranked highest among Aisan cities when it comes to international students satisfaction.
Paris retains as the best option worldwide for overseas students, with Australia's Melbourne the second best.
CRI Online
China News Clipper brings to you local news from 10 Chinese cities across the country every weekday and a recap on China-related corporate news events of the week every Friday. The account will also help you catch a glimpse into China's civil society through anews buzz words of the week each Saturday.